Frequently Asked Questions

How does Yup Solar work?

Eliminating the roles of salespeople and system designers from our operations allows us to offer solar panel systems at a 50% lower cost than leading conventional solar companies. This approach not only saves our customers significant time and money but also ensures they receive premium service throughout the process.

How does the solar process work?

We build a system tailored to your homes energy needs using AI, and professional solar tools to verify system size requirements, layouts and roof placement. The steps are easy:

  1. Choose your system and payment options
  2. Site Survey
  3. Engineering Plansets
  4. Confirm Scope of Work and System Designs
  5. City Permitting
  6. Installation
  7. Permission to Operate

How long will my solar project take?

The average time from choosing system to size to installation is 30 to 45 days. In many areas we're able to install faster. The longest hold up can be with the city permitting departments and their backlogs. We get working on site surveys typically the same week as contract signing, and engineering documents are ready shortly thereafter. Once we submit to the city it's in the cities hands to release the approved permit.

Can I afford to go solar?

Yes, if you're currently paying for electricity solar is always the cost effective way to save on your bills. We have no out-of-pocket options from financing, leases and power purchase agreements that allow you pay for solar at a lower price than you're currently paying for your electricity bills. Alternatively you can choose to purchase the system outright, which will pay for itself over time. The breakeven is typically around 4 to 5 years with all the Federal Tax incentives factored in.

How do I move forward?

If you already have a quote with Yup Solar, you can checkout for free and we'll get started on your solar project details. If you're choosing a payment plan, we'll do the pre-qualifications (soft credit check, no impact to your credit score). Once we have an agreement in place, we get started on your project the same day.

If you don't have a quote yet, you can start by getting one here:

Can I cancel my order?

Yes, you can cancel your order any time before we confirm the engineering confirmation for scope of work for your project.

What if I want to talk to someone?

You can call us any time at (855) 777-4375 you can also email us to or chat with us online.

What is my warranty?

Your warranty is for 25 years.

Do you guarantee power generation?

Yes, we guarantee power generation, and it will appear in the contract.

What happens if it underproduces?

Any underproduction for any reason will be reimbursed to you, and it's in our agreement.

Is monitoring included?

Yes, 24/7 Monitoring is included with every installation. Enphase and Solaredge installations also let you track per-panel production.

How long will my solar power system last?

Warranties are for 25 years, but the science shows solar panels can last anywhere between 30 to 40 years.

What solar energy rebates and incentives are available?

The federal investment tax credit (ITC) is 30%. Meaning you get a tax credit for thirty percent of the project when you file your taxes, and include your solar installation on the filing. Your CPA should be able to help with this. For example, if your system was $10,000.00 your tax credit would be $3,000.00 making the net cost $7,000.00

What is the solar tax credit?

The tax credit is an incentive created by the federal government to incentivize homeowners to go solar. It applies to batteries as well. Anyone who is a system owner can claim the tax credit. This means whether you purchased for cash, or financing you would qualify for the federal tax credit. If you opted to do a lease or PPA however, you would not be eligible. Ask your CPA to see if tax credits would help you.

How does solar impact my property values?

Your home value will increase. According to a Zillow study, on average the home value increases by 4% for homes with solar. Solar is a major home improvement, and something many homeowners look for when purchasing a home. Over the years, real estate agents have also become savvy to know how to upsell solar to potential home buyers.

Should I buy, lease, or finance my solar panel system?

Everyone has a different financial circumstance. In all cases, solar will be more economical than staying with the utility. Cash payments are when you can do an upfront investment, financing options help break out your purchase into payments over time, and both of these options can be beneficial if you can claim the solar tax credit. Otherwise power purchase agreements and leases have the lowest monthly payments in the market.

Lean more here in our blog:

Which is better – solar loans or solar leases?

Loans can be more beneficial if you have a tax implication and can absorb the tax credit. Leases are usually better when you cannot take advantage of the tax credit.

What are my solar financing options?

We work with top lenders with the most competitive rates. Once you determine system size we will go over all possible options with you to help you decide.

How do I choose the best solar loan?

We have several partnerships with solar lenders, which gives Yup Solar a great scope for offering you the best deal. There are other options with credit unions, HELOC (home equity line of credit) providers, and mortgage options which are all options when getting solar. The nice thing about solar loans, is that no payments are triggered until 2 months after the installation. You don't need to worry about making any payments before anything installed and running.

What happens if I sell my house?

The solar lenders and leasing companies all have transferrable clauses. The loan is transferrable to the next homeowner, so long as they agree to take over and qualify as well.

Can I add to an existing system?

Yes, if you already have solar and are looking to expand in either battery or solar panels, we can help.

Is my roof suitable for solar panels?

At Yup Solar, we work with most roofs. We work with asphalt shingles, concrete tiles, S tiles, and flat roofs. You can also install solar on a clay or terracotta roof, but, typically it requires addidional roofing work to ensure a safe and waterproof installation.

Do my solar panels produce power when the sun isn't shining?

On cloudy days, and even rainy days your system will still be producing power. You can learn more about these subjects at our blog:

What is my roof type?

When we come out to do a site survey we'll be able to confirm this for you. Most homes have asphalt shingles. The second most common type of roofing is concrete tiles.

Do I need to replace my roof before installing solar?

In most cases you won't need to replace your roof before installing solar. Solar can actually prolong the life of your roof. However, on site inspection we have more than 100 photos that we take during our inspection of your roof condition. Our pros will be able to tell you if it's safe to install solar on your roof. In some cases, roof underlayment can be damaged, or if your roof is very weathered it may need to be replaced. The good news is that often times this can be bundled together with your solar project, and the tax credit would apply for any roof faces needing to be replaced in order to get solar.

Can I bundle roofing with solar?

Yes, roofing can be bundled in with your solar project, and you can take advantage of the tax credit for any roofing or structural work that had to get done in order to get solar installed. So if you need a new roof, getting solar with it is a great idea.

Will I get a leak?

No, and it's covered in our warranty. It's a common misconception that solar can somehow cause a leak. When we do our thorough site survey we inspect your roof and make sure it's safe to install solar. In order to back it up with our warranty we only install on roofs that we know won't have any problems down the road.

Will you cause damage to my roof?

No, we use the best in industry flashing methods. As long as your roof was suitable for solar, when we install our waterproof flashings you won't have any issues.

How do I calculate my return on investment (ROI)?

If you're financing or doing a lease, you will be cashflow positive day 1. Solar is always cheaper than the utility. If you're choosing to buy for cash and invest in your home, there is a formula to calculate the break even. When factoring the tax credit the break even can be as low as 4 to 5 years. You can learn more about it in our blog here:

What size solar energy system should I get?

Your optimal solar system is one that will produce enough power throughout the year to offset your annual usage in kilowatt hours. By analyzing your bill for your historical usage, and factoring in any potential future usage expansion we determine how large of a system you need.

Do I need to provide a utility bill?

Yes, we will need to get a copy of your electricity bill in order to verify how much electricity you use for the year, as well as to get your system the paperwork required with the utility, which is the final step known as permission to operate.

Why does Yup Solar use black on black panels?

They look nicer, and have a higher curb appeal. In addition to this, their energy efficiency is the highest in marker for residential solar. When getting solar, you want it to be reliable, produce power like it's supposed to, and all while looking great on your roof.

How many panels do I need?

Each panel produces a different amount of electricity for the year depending on it's placement and orientation. We determine how many panels you need based on your overall electricity bill for the year, and how many panels would produce more than 100% of your usage in order to offset your usage for the year. In some cases if you're planning on buying an electric vehicle or expanding your home with an addition, ADU, pool or other home improvement projects, you may need more panels. We're here to help with that calculation.

Do I need batteries?

If you're worried about power outages batteries can be a great solution to give you power throughout a power outage. With solar they get recharged by the sun during the day, and ready to last through the night until the next sunrise to recharge again. This gives you perpetual power off grid. Some regions like in California may also need batteries to help send power back to the grid in the evening time. It's important to note that most modern solar systems don't require batteries at the same time as the solar installation.

Can I add a battery to my system later?

Yes, a battery can absolutely be installed at a later time. Many homeowners choose to do this.

How many batteries should I get?

This depends on how much you plan to keep on backup power in an off-grid scenario, or in areas such as California how much energy you need to export in the evening. By providing us with your utility bill we will be able to calculate exactly how many batteries you need.

What is home backup vs grid tied?

Home backup batteries and solar will continue to power your home's circuits and loads in the event the grid goes down. Grid tied systems are only operational when the grid is online, and are the more cost effective way to get solar. In short, people get grid-tied to save on their bill, and people get backup power to have power in grid failure scenarios.

What is the best inverter?

The best in class inverters are produced mainly by Enphase and SolarEdge. They have been in the industry for decades and have nailed down their product to perfection. Tesla is also a good option available in some areas.

What are microinverters and string inverters?

Inverters convert your solar panel's direct circuit (DC) to alternating current (AC) which is what your home and the grid use in the United States. Both options allow for per-panel monitoring. The difference is that with microinverters each solar panel gets it's own dedicated inverter. With string inverters the power gets converted in one central location. With SolarEdge string inverter systems however, each solar panel also needs an additional piece of equipment called a power optimizer, to make sure each panel is producing power independently from one another.

Will my solar panels still power my house during a power outage?

If you have an off-grid, hybrid, or backup power system it will work in the event of a power outage. If you have a grid tied system then the system will only work when the grid is powered up. You can learn more at our blog here:

How is my solar system sized and designed?

We use AI and best in class solar software that factors in the tilt, angle towards the sun's path called azimuth, and weather data to determine the optimal locations for solar panels. One the design is produced we also have a human being look over it to make sure everything looks good. The idea is to place panels on roof faces that get the most sunlight in order to maximize their potential, and maximize your savings to make the project as economical as possible for you.

What is the best panel orientation?

In most places in the United States, the most optimal orientation for your solar system is south. In some places such as in California South-West is also a preferred location.

If my system produces extra energy where does it go?

If you have a backup battery, first your excess energy goes to charge the battery. In all other cases it goes directly into the grid, and with your utility's net energy metering program you are credit for the energy the solar generates. Then when you go to pull energy from the grid, you're actually pulling from the credits you've generated by exporting power.

What is a main service panel?

The main service panel is the electrical panel that is the primary connection to the utility meter. In some states it is an all-in-one main service panel with utility meter combination panel. Most states have them separated. The main electrical panel is the first point of connection from the meter, to distributing power to the rest of your home through various circuits and breakers.

Do I need a main service panel upgrade (MPU)?

Depending on your solar system size in order to meet code requirements an upgrade to your main service panel can be necessary. It depends on the amperage rating of your main service panel when compared to your solar system aggregate amperage rating. There are national electric code rules installers and electricians must follow such as the 120% rule. Not to worry though, on the site survey it's one of our checklist items to check out your main service panel.

What is a subpanel?

A subpanel is an electrical panel that is connected to your main service panel. In some cases when you have an existing solar system, or batteries installed, a subpanel may be necessary in order to aggregate your circuits together.

What does it mean to derate a main breaker?

When your main service panel needs alteration in order to get solar, you have two options typically. You can do a main service panel upgrade, or the most cost effective solution to derate the main breaker which entails changing your main breaker to a lower amperage since you are now getting electricity from two places, the grid, and your solar system

Do I need to clean my panels?

We stand by our energy guarantees. Cleaning your panels will only generate even more power than our energy guarantees. That being said, if something is obstructing your panel like branches or palm leaves, it may be a good idea to have them removed.

What happens if there is snow on solar panels?

The nice thing about roofs and solar panels is that the snow typically melts there first. Of course in some intense snowfalls it may cover your panels, but the other great thing is that snow typically slides off panels easily as there's not a lot of friction for the snow to get stuck on. You can learn more about this in our articles in our blog: